Does developmental trauma have the potential to cause someone to lose touch with their needs?

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If someone were to take a step back and examine their life, they could discover that they frequently fail to meet their requirements. Or, maybe to be more precise, they frequently lack awareness of certain demands.

This might imply that they will normally be aware of their demands for survival and even for intellectual stimulation, but that might be about it. Therefore, their emotional demands could usually be disregarded.

It Runs on Auto

However, this does not imply that they would voluntarily choose to act in this manner. Since it’s possible that they won’t even be conscious of their emotional requirements, they won’t think, “Okay, I’ll ignore my emotional needs now.”

Consequently, a lot of their demands will be disregarded, which will be harmful to their wellbeing. They could eventually become conscious of the consequences of their situation but not the underlying causes.

The result

It’s possible that they’ll frequently feel as though they’re out of gas. They may frequently experience feelings of irritability and frustration since they are accustomed to feeling exhausted and emotionally undernourished.

They could, however, have a variety of strategies for erasing this knowledge from their conscious consciousness. They could entirely focus on their thoughts, for instance, allowing them to more or less completely lose contact with the information in their body.

The Principal Posting

It is to be assumed that someone who spends the most of their time in their mind won’t have a strong connection to their emotional needs. They will need to be in touch with their bodies in order to be aware of their emotional demands.

Considering that this may be where their center of awareness is usually, it could not matter if they are alone or with others. But when they are alone, it could be far simpler for them to relate to their emotional needs.

Zero Chance

Naturally, they will need to be conscious of their emotional needs and express them when they are among others if they are to fulfill them. It is extremely improbable that the second component will occur if the first part doesn’t.

Given this, it will be crucial for them to improve their relationship with their emotional needs if they want their life to change. From there, kids can proceed to completing some of them on their own and others with assistance.

A Closer Examine

Their desire for attention, closeness, love, affection, support, admiration, and acceptance are examples of their emotional requirements. The fact that some of these will relate to their physical requirements also jumps out.

For instance, receiving contact or being held will satisfy both a bodily need and one or more emotional needs. It is to be expected that most, if not all, of one’s bodily demands will likewise be disregarded if one spends a lot of time in their brain.

They Have No Control

It might seem unusual that someone would have a propensity to lose touch with their emotional and physical needs given how vital both of these needs are. They ought to be able to maintain awareness of their requirements both when they are alone and when they are among other people.

They could realize that they have been this way for as long as they can remember if they stop to consider how long they have been this way. As a result, individuals can think that this is who they are and that they were born this way.

A Closer Exam

However, they could quickly understand why they are this way if they could travel back in time and relive some of their formative years. At this point in their lives, it’s possible that they were frequently ignored and that the attention they did receive was mostly misguided.

They would have felt a great deal of anguish and humiliation for their wants if their developmental requirements had not been satisfied on a regular basis. They would have had to cut themselves off from themselves and enter a shut down, collapsed condition in order to cope with this suffering.


While this wouldn’t have altered the exterior situation, it would have prevented them from being conscious of the suffering they would have felt as a result of being abandoned. They had no choice but to leave their own body because they couldn’t just locate another caregiver or alter their caregiver’s behavior.

If this hadn’t happened, the suffering they endured as a result of not having their needs satisfied would have destroyed them. Their nervous system and immature brain were not able to withstand the amount of stimulus.

Two Sections

They would have been disembodied if they had lost touch with themselves, which would have cut them off from their emotional and certain bodily requirements. They would have been traumatized as infants and toddlers and would have been born attached to their body, which would have caused an inner split.

They would have been able to survive at this point in their lives if they had disconnected from themselves and given up; instead, doing so would make them suffer needlessly. The problem is that acknowledging their needs at this point in their lives would have been excruciatingly painful, and expressing them would have been perceived as something that would have put their survival at risk. For this reason, it won’t be enough for them to simply alter their behavior.

A Few Obstacles

There would still be reluctance when it comes to communicating their wants, even if they were able to connect with their body and them. Therefore, they will need to deal with a lot of issues in order to go forward.

Their body and unconscious mind will be rife with emotional scars from trauma, and healing these wounds will be a major factor in enabling them to reconnect with their bodies, identify their needs, and feel safe enough to express them. As contrast to something that may happen in a few weeks or months, for example, this is probably something that will take time.


If someone can identify with this and is prepared to make changes in their life, they might need to seek out outside assistance. This is something that can be done with a therapist or healer’s help.

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