At least three members of the army were killed in a heavy artillery attack at Salingyi police station

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Sagaing Division At least three members of the military council were shot dead by local security forces at Salingyi police station at around 2 am on July 11, according to the guerrillas.

The police station was found at the cemetery. Battalion (2), The 4th Battalion joined forces to form 120 mm. The bomber struck shortly after noon in front of a police station, killing three people and wounding several others.

The Terrorist Military Council also launched two drones with heavy artillery and mortars. The comrades fired back, but were unable to retreat.

Similarly, in Shan State; Village-Pindaya Road Section At least 10 soldiers were killed in a landmine attack on a convoy of seven military vehicles between Nyaung Kone and Letpadaung on July 10 at around 1pm, according to the Kyaukse Nagar Ni guerrilla group.

The convoy was accompanied by Yar Ngan-Pindaya Township Regional Commander Aka Lin, and when he returned from Ywa Ngan, he was attacked by the Kyaukse Red Dragon Brigade and the Ywa Ngan People’s Defense Force.

Two military vehicles were damaged in the blast, killing at least 10 soldiers. The bodies of the wounded and wounded were taken to a 700-bed military hospital in Aungban.

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