Members of the Shan Red Army (SNA) joined forces with the military to arrest the PDF group, shoot and kill civilians.

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Members of the Shan Red Army (SNA) joined forces with the military to arrest the PDF group, shoot and kill civilians. The Shan Red Army has always denied any involvement with the military.

Sagaing Division Homalin Township In Phaungpyin and Khandee Townships, the Shan Red Army (SNA) joined forces with the military to arrest and kill people in a PDF file, according to local forces and the Rangoon Times.

The Shan Red Army (SNA) has been mobilizing in villages north of Phaungpyin Township for no apparent reason. They raided Soe Lin’s house in Harpa village and shot and killed Kyaw Hlaing, a young man in the house. Then, at 8 pm on the same day, a SNA armed group arrived at West Khaming village in Khamaing Tract and opened fire, hitting a two-year-old boy from East Khaming village with four bullets. On May 2, a two-year-old boy riding an FZ motorcycle from Phaungpyin Township was arrested in Phaungpyin Township. A statement from the Phaungpyin People’s Defense Force (PNA) said that the SNA forces fired indiscriminately after Ywa Tan Shay village.

Some Shan Red Army soldiers and some army members joined forces in Homalin Township on August. HPDF 124 soldiers Ko Par Gyi and Ko Pi Lone from Homalin PDF were arrested at Naung Kham ferry port. After that, the military officially shut down the PDF news, and the Shan Red Army joined forces with the military to arrest the PDF members.

“It is clear that the Shan Red Army is allied with the military. It is clear that the SNA did not need to bring in their war dogs for two months.

The Shan Red Army has always argued that The Voice of Shan Ni has no alliance with the military.

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