Wi-Fi and Internet Security

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In earlier articles, I briefly discussed this. Since smart speakers now come equipped with Alexa, Siri, and Google, I thought I’d share some advice on how to safeguard yourself.

It’s critical to understand that before reaching your device, all of your smart appliances must pass via some sort of network. The router will then enable either a hard wired connection or a wireless connection. Hard wire would be quicker and more secure, but Wi-Fi is simpler and more prevalent among gadgets.

Make sure your router has a strong password that you generated in either scenario. Make sure your Wi-Fi has the greatest degree of security possible, such as WPA or WPA 2. Additionally, if your router is older than five years, you should think about upgrading to a newer, more contemporary router. You can be sure you’re using the most recent hardware and software security by doing this.

Smart speakers are becoming commonplace in homes throughout the globe and were Amazon’s best-selling item during the recent holiday shopping season. Your favorite music is played well, and they become better at obeying your directions over time.

They have the ability to lock and unlock your front door and operate your alarm system. Ask yourself how secure Alexa, Siri, or Google are before letting them unlock your front door. Can they distinguish your voice from a stranger’s voice? Would the front door unlock if you were to leave your home and a stranger approached it while yelling “Unlock the Door”? As voice recognition technology improves daily, test your gadget before putting your confidence in it.

Do smart TVs monitor your viewing habits? Yes, they can, is the response. Another piece I’ve published describes how they do this and, more importantly, how you can stop it.

Are there cameras in your home? A lot of us do. Ask yourself if they are safe and how can I stop some cunning actor from stealing control of them. You can find yourself in a really awkward situation as a result.

Every new smart gadget you buy should be thoroughly investigated to learn how it operates and what information it gathers about you. then make sure your home network is safe for that device. Disconnect a certain device from your home network if you are unsure about it. Keep in mind that almost all of your household devices must pass via your router, therefore safeguard it!

George Uliano is a security expert with years of expertise in both law enforcement and security. He graduated with honors and obtained a bachelor’s degree in business and criminal justice. Three U.S. patents on various locking theories are held by George. Combining these factors enables George and His Company Locking Systems International Inc to offer its clients the ideal level of protection at a competitive price.

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